The following rules and policies are from the parent hand book. Please click on the link below to access the hand book further information from this important document.
Absence From School
Parents should advise the school via the BCE Connect app when a child is absent from school. Notification via the BCE Connect app is also required if a child is arriving late or leaving early. These children MUST be signed in and out at the school office. When leaving early, children are collected from and signed out from the office NOT their classroom.
Click here for the Sts Peter and Paul's Student Attendance Procedure.
Click here for our School Student Behaviour Support Plan.
Homework provides children with an opportunity to review and practise some aspects of their day's class work. Reading for ALL children is essential. READERS ARE ACHIEVERS. There is NO substitute for reading. When children have projects they may take a little longer but no child in primary school should be spending hours doing homework. Be assured children WILL have homework in secondary school. Most classes give a set homework for the week and children should be encouraged to spread it out over the four nights.
Children in Years 1 to 3 should spend no more than 30 minutes per night on tasks. These tasks will cover reading, tables and spelling.
Year 4 and Year 5 should take no longer than 45 minutes
Year 6 should complete their tasks in one hour.
Should your child genuinely not complete their assigned work an email to their teacher is required.
Again we emphasise reading practice every night.
Illness at School
Any child feeling ill will be sent to the office. If the office staff consider the child is not well enough to be at school, parents will be contacted and asked to take the child home. Minor cuts and bruises will be treated at school. Where necessary, parents will be informed of more serious injuries to children. Parents are requested to NOT send their child to school when they are ill as the school has no facilities to provide quality care. In the event of an accident or serious illness an ambulance will be called and the child transported to hospital. A staff member will accompany such a child. Any cost for medical treatment arranged by the school remains the responsibility of parents.
BCE has issued strict instructions to schools in regard to this matter. NO child will be given medication unless parents make a WRITTEN request asking for PRESCRIBED medicines to be administered. These medications MUST carry doctor's dosage and time for administration. ALL medication will be given by office staff ONLY and all requests MUST come to the office. Non-prescribed oral medication CANNOT be administered at school.
Children with infectious diseases will be excluded from school in accordance with Health Department Guidelines.
Each year we request parents fill in a "Student Medical" form. This form helps us keep abreast of emergency contacts and any residential changes that may occur.
Given the rise in allergic reactions to foods, pollens, animals and the like we ask for up to date information on your child and the necessary urgent medical intervention advice needed ie Anaphylaxis.
Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices (eg, Apple Watches)
Children will always hand in mobile phones and electronic devices (eg. Apple Watches) to the office before school. They collect them from the office after school. We appreciate some parents use this mode of communication with their children but there is no reason for them to have them in class during the day. Interruptions or theft are good reasons for them to be collected.
Parking and Safety
Safety of all who enter our school is paramount. There is NO parking on the school premises except in exceptional circumstances.
Parents are requested to use the DROP-OFF and PICK-UP zones in Alexandra and Collings Streets. If your child IS NOT at the top of the line you will need to do a lap!
Parking in front of the Church is NOT permitted.
For detailed information, please click here.
Sun Protection
Sts Peter and Paul's School is a Sun Smart School. The Queensland Cancer Fund has given us this title because of our support of this programme.
Personal sun protection by way of hats and sunscreen is essential. All classes have their own supply of sunscreen which children are encouraged to apply as desired. Should you desire that your child not use sunscreen at school then please make this known to your child's teacher. The NO HAT – NO PLAY rule is strictly enforced. We prefer children to use the bucket hat style or the larger brimmed hat style. Caps provide little or no protection to the ears and neck.
During swimming lessons sun smart swim shirts are compulsory.
For detailed information please click on the link.
Sun Smart Policy.pdf
Work Place Health and Safety
Our school has a Workplace Health and Safety committee and a trained WHS Officer. This committee exists to keep not only staff and children safe but also all who visit our school. Parents are requested to sign in and out at the office whenever they visit the school for a period of time. We must be aware of all visitors to the school at all times.
School Policies
The production of school policies is one of the major tasks of the School Board. These policies ALWAYS reflect the Mission and Vision statements of our school. Everything we say and do align with our mission and vision and we use these too in our School Renewal Framework as part of our Validation process with BCE.
Curriculum is mandated from the Queensland Studies Authority and from them through BCE. To allow our staff to avail themselves of up to date directions, we employ a Curriculum Support Teacher.
Privacy Statement
Sts Peter and Paul's School is one of approximately 145 Catholic primary and secondary schools and colleges within the Archdiocese of Brisbane.This Privacy Statement applies to schools administered by BCE and the BCE Office (BCEO) and the Statement sets out how each school and BCEO manage personal information which is provided to or collected by it. Click here to view the privacy statement.